Following Nature

Philosopher Immanuel Kant reflected “Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me” (Critique of Practical Reason 1788). Traditional Stoics would strongly agree: they also assert that Nature provides all that is sufficient and necessary for life to not just survive but prosper, through the effusion of its logos in everything, the perfect rational, causal web that connects all of us. The fantastic patterns and diversity of the natural world, each with its own ‘nature’, requires our obligation to live in harmony with our environment and our selves. Nature’s benevolence models for us the wisdom and rationality of living a virtuous life, a promotion of both moral balance and stewardship for others and our planet.

Stoic environmentalists Kai Whiting and Leonidas Konstantakos note “a Stoic’s appreciation of Nature goes beyond taking selfies and a superficial enjoyment of breathtaking sights and sounds. It involves a profound thirst for the kind of knowledge that helps us understand how the world works and our position within it”. (Being Better, 2021). Some Stoics believe that Nature is God (pantheism) and others look to modern science to reveal the underlying rationality of the universe. But all Stoics recognize the power, sanctity, and wonder of the natural world.

To learn more about this vital Stoic principle, please check out this table:

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