The registry team currently consists of three members who each donate their time to maintaining this resource for Stoics and those pursuing study in Stoicism in general.

Todd Obenauer – Director
Todd is the proud father of two teenagers, a loving husband to his wife of 25 years, privileged to work on the transformation team at Starbucks Coffee Company, and embraces every opportunity to explore the diversity of the US Pacific Northwest. Todd hails from Seattle, Washington and adores the ability to fly fish for trout in the Cascade Mountains on one day and for salmon on the beach near his home on the next. He is a graduate of the Marcus Aurelius School of The College of Stoic Philosophers and feels so fortunate to have Erik Wiegardt as a mentor amongst several guides, both alive and dead, on living the good life. His greatest teacher, however, is his father who knew nothing of formal Stoic philosophy but is a profound practitioner of virtue. Todd’s favorite Stoic term is “to be a cosmopolitan” – to be a citizen of the cosmos and operate with the perspective of serving the whole of our world.

Kathryn Bucher – Content Strategy
Dr. Kathryn Bucher is a recently retired VA nursing executive, with a passion for asking the big, hairy questions like “how do we introduce Stoicism to more women?” Her two grown daughters, husband of 35 years, and basset hound want to know why mom would rather study and teach philosophy than bake cookies and are holding out hope that she goes back to work soon before everyone is Stoic converted! She is in her 3rd quarter of the MA School at the College of Stoic Philosophy. Just returned to Seattle after 56 years away, she is in love with clam chowder, the ferries, the rain and the eco-innovative energy of the Puget Sound.

James Kostecka – Content Strategy
James Kostecka, F.C.S.P., is a mentor at the College of Stoic Philosophers as well as co-founder of the Redwood Stoa, Stoic Fellowship, and Intergalactic Stoic School. He is currently an active member of the Fremont Stoa, Regional Support Volunteer for West Coast, U.S.A., and a board member at The Stoic Fellowship. James’ current projects include curriculum development at Intergalactic and doing what he can to support universal and sustainable eudaimonia for individuals and the whole.

Derrick Koon – Technical Support
Derrick found his love of Stoicism in the heart of the global pandemic. He is currently enrolled in the Marcus Aurelius School at the College of Stoic Philosophers. Having worked on the web for over 10 years he now uses that knowledge to support the Registry and support its mission. He is currently living with his wife and kids in Illinois where he spends his time reading and studying papers and texts on Stoic Philosophy.