Make Each Day a Masterpiece

Recently, while watching psychologist Dr. Jonathan Fader’s webinar “Building a Masterpiece of Positive Habits”, I realized how many Stoic themes he wove into his formula for a successful life. Dr. Fader presented an enthusiastic, credible slate of Stoic-like methods intended to produce a level of meaningful accomplishment in ANYTHING that one desires to do.  Using habitual routines, mnemes, role models, games, partners, and a constant return to values, he channeled John Wooden, famous UCLA basketball coach, who stated “Make everyday your masterpiece.”  The Stoics would have agreed, modifying this statement to “Make everyday one of personal areté.” That means, be the best Stoic one can possibly be, using one’s unique circumstances, deliberate, planned effort, consistent practice, strong will, careful choices, connection with other Stoics, and clarity of purpose to achieve excellence! We can recreate our lives into something magnificent and full of eudaimonia.

Now for our own news:  You may have noticed that the Stoic Registry and its (mostly) monthly Registry Report email has been changing for quite some time now. We hope to bring you interviews, quotes of the month, links to new resources, and of course, a current list of new Stoics from all over the world. Stay tuned, stay in touch (, and may your day tomorrow be a Stoic Masterpiece.  And welcome to all newly declared Stoics!

With gratitude and respect,

Kathryn, Derrick, Todd